Dental Care 101: Oral Health Tips for Busy Back to School Schedules

Summer is over and back to school schedules are making life busier than ever. It can seem like a constant game of catch up keeping your kids happy and healthy while they’re out of the house. For example, you don’t know what foods they’re trading their lunch for at school or buying with their allowance; and more extracurricular and social activities can mean morning and evening rushes that leave little time for thinking about dental care. And according to the Canadian Dental Association, “…An estimated 2.26 million school-days are missed each year due to dental-related illness.”

To avoid scrambling schedules to accommodate for sick days and preventable dental-related illnesses, a proactive approach is key. Aside from regular oral exams and cleanings, managing a consistent and effective routine for maintaining oral health helps a smile stay beautiful. And even if it feels like life is going by in a blur, your family can keep these simple tips in mind for staying on track with their dental health.

Don’t Skip Brushing

“It’s critical to brush before bed, even if you’re coming home late from activities,” says Dr. Andrea Gelinas, our Doctor of Dental Surgery. Brushing is a two-minute commitment that should be a non-negotiable before-bedtime activity. The same is true for starting the day, and creating a morning checklist with your child that includes brushing is a collaborative way to get kids interested in being accountable for their oral health.

Technology is Here to Help

Electric toothbrushes aren’t just for adults – kids can benefit from these dental care tools, too! In addition to being fun to use, electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque. This means they help protect teeth and gums at an important developmental stage in a child’s life. Plus, a 2015 study suggests that using an electric toothbrush instead of a manual one can help improve someone’s focus – something we could all use these days!

Multi-Functional Products Make Things Easy

It’s not always possible to brush and floss our teeth after every meal. However, because we all strive to make our lives more efficient in every possible way, there are many products on the market that are designed to help us practice proper dental care without a lot of fuss. Floss picks – a combination of a piece of dental floss and a toothpick – are one simple way to clean teeth after a meal or treat. Some products are specifically designed for kids and contain floss that has fluoride, which helps to protect teeth from decay and cavities.

Find a Dental Practice That Focuses on Patient Care First

Gelinas Dental Studio is designed with comfort in mind, from the televisions mounted on the ceilings of our treatment rooms that feature a range of kid-friendly programs, to the squishy toys our hygienists keep on hand to calm dental anxiety. Our welcoming atmosphere and modern, holistic approach to dentistry sets us apart when it comes to ensuring a stress-free visit to the dentist, and we love being a part of a child’s healthy habits!